
Richard Wright Poetry Analysis

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It’s interesting to see Baldwin as a transformative artist. He tried for so long to follow in the footsteps of Wright, but he realized that he needed to be his own person. He exceeded in having his work as a creative, decorative and even musical endeavor. However, in order to do this he had to surpass Wright. For Wright, he never really found his place in the world. Towards the end of his life he still saw the world as divided between black and white. But that war in the breast between blackness and whiteness, which caused Richard such pain, need not be a war. It is a war which just as it denies both the heights and depths of our natures, takes, and has taken, visibly, and invisibly, as many white lives as black ones. And, as I see …show more content…

The internal rage that Wright dealt with was a roadblock in his own artistry. He only saw the world as a divide between black and white. Instead, maybe Wright should’ve just accepted the hard truth that nothing was going to chance despite his efforts and intentions during his lifetime. Life can be unfair, and often unjust. Instead, he should’ve focused on the good things in life, despite how much pain the white world caused him. However, for most of his life he was an outsider and it seems that he never got the acceptance he longed for. It’s sad to know that he lived and died dealing with such pain and conflict. It was evident in Baldwin’s essay that he clearly could sympathize with Wright. You could see the pain in his writing as he wrote about what Richard Wright meant to him. Wright and Baldwin were never able to settle their dispute. Wright died unexpectedly and this left Baldwin with no resolution to their feud. No matter the circumstances, he still had great admiration for Wright. It only was a mere critique that ended their friendship. Despite their feud, Wright and Baldwin left us with their legacy. Even though they weren’t able to see past their own conflicts, they created wonderful works that are often anthologized today. These authors, who were once mentor and protege, transformed African-American Literature. However, …show more content…

Miller states, “For him, a ‘good writer’ was a writer who was not content to pander to public taste or fame” (96-97). Even though he was under appreciated during his lifetime, he still fulfilled his goal of becoming an author. Today, he is greatly appreciated, his artistic style is exceptional. According to Miller, “Baldwin could not win in the eyes of his critics during his lifetime: he was trapped by the racial context for his writing and judged expectations, vacillating between strictly aesthetic and the strictly political, that were very much the products of a turbulent time. Baldwin found himself inhabiting neither place rather than both (104). Although he was neglected by critics during his lifetime, his works are being studied today because scholars have realized that they undermined his artistic abilities. Miller explains,“Baldwin’s previously neglected works, resulting in a work that represents the culmination of the recent trends in Baldwin studies. These works together indicate a willingness to read Baldwin thoroughly, to shed light on some of the works that had been critically dismissed, and to explore a plurality of contexts in order to recognize fully the accomplishments of this complex writer”(108). It’s wonderful that scholars are now more appreciative towards Baldwin’s work. According to Field, “Since 2001, nearly two hundred scholarly studies of Baldwin have appeared…” (1148). He deserves all the

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