
Right Shoulder W/O Contrast

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Reason for Visit: MRI Result of Right Shoulder W/O Contrast on 2/17/2017
1. Osteoarthritis of the acromioclaviular joint and lateral acromion down sloping with subacromial spur with contact f bursal surface of supraspinatus and infraspinatus with subacromial effusion. Please correlate for evidence of impingement.
2. Tendinopathy of supraspinatus and infraspinatus with small partial-thickness intrasubstance tear of the insertional fibers of the supraspinatus without shift-grade partial thickness or full-thickness tear.
3. Questionable subtle abnormal signal within the posterior/superior larbum which may represent a labral tear. This could be further assessed if clinically warranted.
#3was confirmed on 8/7/2013 MRI Result: Partial Thickness undersurface tears of the distal supraspinatus tendon. But TM’s been avoiding the issues to avoid the possible surgical procedure. …show more content…

TM had MRI in 8/7/2013 and 2/15/2017 Today 2/15/2017 results reviewed and TM verbalized the results including Significant degenerative osteoarthrosis of the AC joint with mild subacromial subdeltoid bursitis that was seen since 8/7/2013 MRI and again on 2/15/20`17

TM report her right shoulder pain is improving with ESI. According to TM, she would like to avoid any type of surgery or referral back to Dr. Walcott, if it can be managed in the HMMA clinic. TM rates her pain is 4/10, aching like pain and it is localized to her right shoulder AC joint

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