
Right To Die Statue Essay

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Currently only five out of fifty states in America have legalized the Right to Die Statue. The Right to Die Statue is also known as Physician assisted suicide which allows an individual the right to end life in an humane and dignified way. Patients must be deemed terminally ill by an attending and consulting physician to be administered a lethal medication to end their life. The Right to Die movement is fighting to advocate for the dignity and comfort of millions of suffering patients in the United States. The Right to Die Statue must be legalized because every individual deserves the basic human freedom of an dignified death. Physician assisted suicide has been a controversial issue since the early 1990s. The first major victory for this movements was in the fall of 1991 when congress passed the Patient Self-Determination Act. This act stated hospitals must give patients the right to demand or refuse treatment. Shortly after this achievement in April of 1997 President Clinton signed the Assisted Suicide Funding Restriction Act which discontinued the use of federal funds in cases of Assisted Suicide. This was a major defeat for The Right to Die movement. In 2001 the Netherlands legalized physician assisted suicide becoming the first major victory in the …show more content…

Opposing viewpoints argue that human euthanasia is inhumane and unethical to patients and the doctors responsible. Many doctors feel that physician assisted suicide stands against everything they stand for. Physicians feel that they have a responsibility to treat patients not murder them. This viewpoint is concerned incorrect to those whom support the Right to Die movement because a doctor's first responsibility to a patient is not only to heal but as quoted in the Hippocratic Oath is to,"First do no harm” which includes allowing an individual to suffering in longing

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