
Rise Of Julius Caesar Essay

Decent Essays

The year 100 BC is when Julius Caesar was born in Rome to a well known, but not rich family. The young Caesar left Rome for military service in Asia and Cilicia. When the dictator Sulla died, he returned, and began his political career as a prosecuting advocate.He travelled to Rhodes for philosophical studies and, on the way, was kidnapped by pirates. He convinced his captors to raise his ransom, then organised a naval force, captured the pirates and put them to death.
Caesar held a number of government positions under Pompey, and was elected consul in 60 BC. In 59 BC he also became governor of Gaul and Spain. In 55 BC he attempted an invasion of Britain. Three years later, in 52 BC, he defeated a union of Gauls.After defeating his former ally, Pompey, Caesar went on to Egypt, where he involved himself in upholding the rule of Cleopatra, with whom he had a son “Caeserian”.Caesar was made dictator for life in 45 BC and was called Father of his Country. The month of Quintilis was renamed in his honour, and continues to be known as July. He was also the author of a large body of important political writings.
However, his apparent arrogance and ambition brought him great unpopularity and the suspicion of his peers. He …show more content…

His famous last words were immortalised by Shakespeare as "You too, Brutus?".A bitter power struggle broke out after his death, which led to the end of the Roman Republic. Caesar had been popular with the middle and lower classes, who became angry that he had been killed by a small number of aristocrats. They turned into a mob at Caesar's funeral and attacked the homes of Brutus and Cassius.Caesar's heir Gaius Octavian, who was his great-grand nephew, played on this discontent and raised an army to fight the troops gathered by Brutus and

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