
Risk In Hamlet Research Paper

Decent Essays

Risk in Hamlet

Risk Is a part of everyday life. It can be present in a small amount like crossing the street or riding a skateboard. It can be present in larger amounts as well such as skydiving or driving a motorcycle. But is Risk good for us? Is it healthy for us to be risky? In a certain amount, yes , but too much will start a downward spiral. Risk is a huge factor in Hamlet and is present in the entire play. By using outside sources we can begin to unravel and understand Hamlet’s predicament and by doing so, our own humanity. The point is this, Risk is needed to drive life forward but be too risky and it will all come crashing down.

Risk is necessary to live your life and keep pushing you forward. It is a sort of call to action. It is a voice in your head that tells you to go for it. Think of risk as a drum beat. The more you put it off the louder the drums get. They get louder and louder until you can’t …show more content…

If Hamlet wallowed in pity much longer who knows what would have happened to him. He took a risk, a leap of faith if you will, and believed the ghost of his father and it gave him a sense of purpose. It suddenly gave his life some meaning again. He still felt the loss of his father but he took a risk in thinking he could do something about his father’s murder. One of the biggest risks we take is trust. When we trust somebody or what something says, we take a giant risk that they are being truthful. Hamlet risks everything to avenge his father on a whim because a ghost of all people told him to. There was no real circumstantial evidence that Claudius killed Hamlet’s father. It makes sense of course and is what happened, but to take someone’s words as truth so quickly is a risk that Hamlet took. This risk is what drives the play forward. If Hamlet had not believed the ghost and dismissed what he was told then nothing would have changed and Hamlet would still be sulking around most

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