
Risky Business Essay

Decent Essays

One doesn’t need to look at the rate at which glaciers are melting to know that climate change is happening. The supporting evidence as well as it’s presentation is crucial to making a compelling argument. Specifically, the authors of “Risky Business” presented their findings in several different ways. Using detailed consequences and projections of the outcomes of global warming by region, the ““Risky Business”” report effectively compels a reader that unprecedented climate change is occurring.
The ““Risky Business”” report caters towards more economically minded groups like businesses. It begins by stating that if one doesn’t “want to pay attention to climate change? That’s going to cost you” . This is promptly followed by an overview of …show more content…

This evidence is useful because it shows the progression of temperature increase, which in turn backs up the claim that climate change is occurring and will worsen over time. In addition, this information is repeated in each of the six different regions to solidify the trend of worsening consequences through repetition. Next, the report focuses on the coastal effects including sea level rise and infrastructural damage like flooding. Interestingly, the report brings up the counterargument that “because the area is relatively close to the Alaskan glaciers, the Earth’s gravitational field may lead to the ice melt in Alaska actually lowering sea levels off Washington and Oregon” but then quickly disproves this by mentioning that “West Antarctic melt may lead to higher sea level rise in the Northwest over the long term” .
The environmental data is paired with economic data to strengthen the points. For example, to accompany the days over 95-degree heat statistic, they included the effects of extreme heat with its agricultural effects. The Northeast is very reliant on its’ forests, so the authors took this information and projected that “this could lead to 54% increase in the annual area burned in the western U.S…. The same study found that the forests of the Pacific Northwest and Rocky Mountains will likely experience the greatest increases in annual burn area (78% and 175%, respectively)” . Furthermore, because the

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