
Road To Revolution Research Paper

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The Road to Revolution The four most important events that lead to the Road to Revolution are the Navigation Act, Stamp Act, Boston Tea Party, and the Coercive Act. These events lead to the American Revolution mainly because the colonists disagreed with the acts and rebelled. The Navigation Act was passed in 1660. The act said that the colonists must use English-built ships for all their trade, and could only buy English-made goods. The act was created to make mercantilism work.Colonists rebelled the act because it limited their trade with nations other than England. This act made the colonists start to rebel . The British Parliament passed the Stamp Act in 1765 to tax certain transactions and printed items in the American colonies. The …show more content…

American colonists refused to buy goods from Britain because of the Townshend taxes.Parliament removed all of the Townshend taxes except the tax on tea. By keeping the tax on tea Parliament was telling the colonist that they still had the right to place taxes on goods shipped to America.Colonists wanted laws to be made with their own consent.They felt like Parliament had no right to pass laws, especially tax laws, since they had no votes in Parliament.The British kept sending tea to American Port cities. The British East India Company that produced the tea impacted Parliament to pass the Tea Act in 1773. The act removed all British taxes on tea except a very small important tax on tea shipped to America. Although the price of tea dropped, colonists still refused to buy East India tea even though it was now cheaper than tea that was smuggled to the colonies.When the Dartmouth, one of the tea ships, arrived at Boston the citizens organized meetings and demanded that the ship return with its tea to Britain.The governor refused.On December 16, 1773, Samuel Adams organized a group of men to take action. They disguised themselves as Mohawk Indians and boarded the Dartmouth. They worked all through the night with axes smashing crates of tea and dumped them into the Boston Harbor.The British were angry. In 1774 Parliament passed the Coercive Acts to punish

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