
Roberto-Personal Narrative

Decent Essays

I sat in the front seat as the officer drove down broadway to Santa Maria high school
To pick up Roberto. On our way to go get Roberto, I was frightened, I had so much going on my head. Two more other kids were in the van, they looked about my age.

When we got to the high school, I saw a lot of kids walking and smiling, I had no reason to smile. The officer got off the van and went inside the school. I didnt know what to do, I was scared, I saw the two other kids that were sitting right in front of me I saw their eyes, they were full of saddness, I guess they were feeling the same way I was.

After a few minutes, the officer and Roberto came out, i saw Roberto's face, it was full of madness. When Roberto got into the van he said …show more content…

We were going back to Santa Maria. With our savings that we had, we bought some food to eat and the supermarket and for our trip. Finally we bought our tickets for the train. I was a little nervous that we would get sent back, but nothing would stop us by seeing our family.

The train was here, the train was here, this was my second time seeing a train. We climbed in and took our seats, after a few stops we were in Mexicali. We got off, and left the station.

After a few minutes of walking we got tow the old wire fence. So much memories passed by my head, when I saw the fence. There was a big hole underneath the fence, we crawled into it, we were on the other side. I had dirt on my knees, I cleaned it up. A few minutes passed and a women, who Roberto has contacted before we started our trip. Roberto had payed her alot of money, almost all of his savings, to get to Santa Maria. We drove for about 1 and a half days.

I looked out the window and I saw my school, I could my little kids running and smiling around the playground, a few miles away the car slowly stopped. "We're here", I could hear my heart jump of happiness. We got off the car, I ran and opened the door.

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