
Roderigo's Manipulation In Othello

Decent Essays

Roderigo is in love with Desdemona and will do anything to have her. Iago tells Roderigo to “put money in thy purse” (1.3.340-341) because he claims that Desdemona will get bored of Othello soon and Roderigo should have his money ready so he can buy her love. Iago is really just manipulating Roderigo’s broken-hearted state of wanting to drown himself so that he can go to Cyprus. Iago sees how desperate Roderigo is to have Desdemona and takes advantage of any opportunity he sees. Even though Roderigo has already been giving Iago money “That thou, Iago, who hast had my purse As if the strings were thine, shouldst know of this.”(1.1.3), he doesn’t doubt Iago when Iago tells him to take more money. This also shows Roderigo’s naivety which Iago …show more content…

This shows that Roderigo’s naivety and broken-hearted state with Iago’s manipulation could have caused his own downfall. Roderigo is also very gullible and persuadable. At the beginning of act 4 scene 2, Roderigo comes in very angry saying “I do not find that thou dealest justly with me.” But by the end of their conversation Roderigo is ready to help Iago once again. Iago has not done anything to convince Roderigo other than the use of words. Roderigo’s tone from the beginning to the end of the scene changes drastically from angry to once again helping Iago no matter what. If Desdemona, who is very innocent and pure, was ready to marry without her father knowing, she must have been very in love with …show more content…

Upon meeting Emilia in act 2 scene 1, he greets her by kissing her. As soon as Cassio, is introduced in to the play Shakespeare shows us his flirtatious side which foreshadows Iago’s manipulation of that quality. Shakespeare gives Iago the talent of having his way with words to make Cassio say disrespectful things about Bianca like “I marry her! What? A customer? Prithee bear some charity to my wit. Do not think it so unwholesome. Ha, ha, ha!”(4.1.138-140)
Iago knows that saying disrespectful things as such would only anger Othello more and move him to want to kill Desdemona. If Cassio wasn’t so flirtatious then he probably would not have said such things about Bianca and Othello would not have been as convinced. Iago manipulates every fault in every character to give the outcome he wants. Cassio also cares a lot about his reputation. As soon he has been fired, the first thing that Cassio is worried about is his own reputation. Iago takes advantage of Cassio’s desperation to feed him the advice which he can use to

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