
Role Of Conflict Resolution In The Middle Ages

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The Middle Ages began as a time characterized by great violence and strife amongst peoples who commonly faced issues using direct violence. However, as time passed, these groups of people grew into societies, which developed into systems more familiar to contemporary landscapes. Settled agriculture and emerging commerce linked more people together in structured organizations, encouraging the spread of ideas and widespread peace. Often, this new connectivity furthered inclusivity and eventually advanced new ideas and systems of solving conflicts. In other instances, societies remained intolerant to foreign notions and ideas, continuing to react with instant violence and discrimination. The varying methods of conflict resolution during the Middle Ages can be seen through the development of representative governmental systems, increased study through the establishment of Universities, and religious confrontation involving heretics and crusades. During the later Middle Ages, societies effectively resolved conflict using legislation and larger participation in politics through the growth of representative government. Feudalism functioned as the system of local government in the period, and though it was technically effective, lords felt no need for a central government under a self-proclaimed king. Regardless, the monarchy’s power grew, and when the king was not functional, as under King Stephen, England became a total anarchy, filled with violence. People were tormented by

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