
Rome The Power And Glory Summary

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The documentary “Rome - The Power & Glory” summaries the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, as well as its origin within the ancient civilization of the Etruscans. As the main force in ancient civilization, the documentary also describes the massive influence Rome had on future empires. It’s through the use of commentary, reenactment, artifacts, ruins, and surviving art that the successes and failures of the Roman Empire are displayed within this documentary. Within the documentary one of the most notable features is the evidence that Rome had politically impacted other world powers like France during Napoleon Bonaparte’s reign and the early years of the United States of America. The French military leader and the self-proclaimed descendant of Roman Emperors, Napoleon, had an undeniable admiration for the Roman Empire even as he made his way to conquer it …show more content…

The same would go for the founding fathers of the United States, who centuries after the fall of the empire, would adopt one of Rome’s greatest creations, the republic. Yet, the most obvious influencer on France and the United States was Cincinnatus, who embodied the classical virtues of Rome. Both Napoleon Bonaparte and George Washington were inspired by the actions of Cincinnatus’s exemplary role as a political commander. This documentary, although very original in its setup, is ideal in terms of its visuals and unbiased inclusion of all information pertaining to Rome. The beginning starts with Napoleon invading an already weakened Rome, thus it doesn’t strictly follow chronological order as most documentaries do. Normally I find strictly organized documentaries to be most effective, yet I find this setup to be very innovative. It’s very impactful to see the aftermath of the Roman Empire before its rise as the superpower of the ancient world. The

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