
Romeo And Juliet Character Analysis

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From the day we are born, we look up to our parents. No matter what we do or what we say we are always looking for their approval. All we want is them to look at you and be proud and say you did good. We go to them for many things; love, closure, advice, and most importantly to be a role model. Although, we don’t always go to them because we see that it isn’t the best decision or we don’t feel comfortable. In Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, there were adults in the play that should have been role models for Romeo and Juliet, but they turned out to be corrupted and selfish. These adults were Lord and Lady Capulet, the Nurse, and Friar Lawrence. Marriage should be something special for two people that love each other and love is only constructed between two people that trust each other for an extended period of time. William Shakespeare wrote this play to show the fickleness of teenage love and how it's lust. Typically fathers want to prolong their daughters getting married as long as they can, one reason, because they fear that they will lose their daughter, and second reason because they may feel like their choice may not be the right one. On the contrary Juliet’s father, Lord Capulet, was being selfish and was forcing Juliet to get married so he can benefit from his high level of wealth. For example, Friar Laurence is explaining to Lord Capulet, “The most you for ‘Twas your sought was her promotion heaven, she should be advanced.”, Instead of worrying about

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