
Romeo And Juliet Doomed In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare tells the story of two people in love, both from wealthy families who hate each other. Romeo comes from the Montague family, while Juliet comes from the Capulet family. Although the reasoning for the feud between their families is unknown, it results in many young people killing each other. The story ends tragically with Romeo and Juliet both killing themselves, but this only happens because of the feud between their parents. Romeo and Juliet unexpectedly meet during a party and later, once they realize who the other is and the family they come from, they know the relationship is doomed. After Juliet figures out that the mysterious man she met at her father's party was Romeo, she says “My only love sprung from my only hate!” She says this because her family and Romeo's family hate each other, but she is in love with Romeo. Since Romeo and Juliet are in love, they can’t stay away from each other and meet secretly. Romeo and Juliet feel the need to hide their relationship because they are afraid of what their parents would do if they found out …show more content…

The kinsman of the Montagues and Capulets are deeply involved in the feud and often fight because of it. At the Capulet’s party, when Romeo shows up, Tybalt becomes very angered by this and wants to fight Romeo, but Capulet does not allow it. Later, Tybalt initiates a fight with Romeo but since Romeo does not wants to fight with Tybalt because his recent secret marriage to Juliet makes them family, so Mercutio fights for Romeo. Tybalt kills Mercutio and as Mercutio is dying, he says I am hurt. A plague o’ both houses! I am sped. Is he gone and hath nothing.”(121) Some of Mercutio’s last words are cursing the house of Montague and Capulet, because their feud is responsible for his death. After this, Romeo avenges Mercutio and kills Tybalt, but gets exiled by the Prince for doing

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