
Romeo's Hyperbole

Decent Essays

In “The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet,” Shakespeare’s hyperbole and dialogue reveals a focus on two star-crossed lovers that will risk anything for each other. In doing so, Shakespeare demonstrates the dangers of love. Juliet, worried about the safety of Romeo, asks him how he got in the Capulet property and says, “The orchard walls are high and hard to climb/ And the place death, considering who thou art/ if any of kinsmen find thee here” (Shakespeare 2.2.1-4). Romeo risked his life sneaking into the orchards, but to him, it was worth it to have the chance to speak to Juliet. Romeo’s feelings of love for Juliet made him lose sight of the real world and the danger of trespassing in his family’s rival’s home. This characterizes Romeo as reckless

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