
Roofing In Melbourne

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Roofing Melbourne
Do you know that a poor choice of roofing can prove very costly in the long-term? Since Melbourne and other parts of Australia are prone to storms; for this reason, choosing the right roofing material for your house is highly critical. The most common types of roofing solutions in Melbourne include tiles, metal, green roofs and shingles.

A strong, high quality roof will protect your house from rain and other elements. The shape of the roof and the design of the house also play a big role in determining the choice of roofing. Some of these elements include attic, heaters, air conditioning system and roofing insulation.

Types of Roofing
Since the roof is a very important component of any house; serious thought should be given …show more content…

Tiles are also popular because they are fire resistance and can withstand various weather patterns. The tiles come in different textures and colours. The downside of using tiles is their cost and overbearing weight, which can place a lot of strain on the building structure.

Green Roofs
Green roofs are made from an amalgamation of various materials including insulation layer, plants and waterproofing pebbles. This type of roofing is relatively new to Australia. The advantages of using green roofs include its ability to control water-runoff, reduce energy cost, preserve space and bring a cooling …show more content…

The main metal roofing options include tin, steel, aluminium and copper roofing. The downside of metallic roofing is high installation cost. In addition many flat metal roofing options are designed in a manner that makes it difficult to place ceiling insulation.

Choosing the Right Roofing for Cold and Warm Climate
Roofing in Warm Areas
Besides key roofing qualities such as durability, sturdiness and versatility, a good roofing material should also match the climate in your area. According to Stack Removals & Storage, houses built in areas with warm climate generally require roofs that can reflect heat way from the house. These houses should also be properly insulated to retain warmth.

The most suitable roofing materials for warm climates include metal, asphalt shingles, tiles and composite shingles. Tile roofing materials made from concrete, clay or slate are popular because they have high reflective qualities. On the other hand, metal roofing with the right design can work in both warm and cold climate. Asphalt shingles roofing on its part, comes in different colours and is relatively

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