
Rosenhan Case Study Reflection

Decent Essays

Rosenhan Reflection Summary The question this article rises is how do we distinguish between someone who has a true mental illness or defect and someone who is just simply odd. The article also calls into question what gives others or psychologist the right to classify someone as abnormal or insane and where should the line between odd, abnormal behavior, and insanity be drawn. Rosenhan also discusses in the article the idea of labeling theory. He discusses how mindful psychologist must be when they decide that in fact yes, this person does have a mental defect and fits and fits criteria to be diagnosed. This is because being diagnosed with some sort of mental disorder can be just as damming as it is effective. Yes, if someone is …show more content…

One of Rosenhan’s main reasons for conducting this study was because he wanted a firsthand account of what it was like to be in a mental institution from the perspective of a patient. Rosenhan felt that psychologist and psychists did not touch on this subject enough with former patients of mental institutions. He felt this was mainly due to the fact that most in they didn’t take the accounts of former patients seriously because they viewed them as a rehabilitated insane person. Rosenhan’s also felt that after a certain point staff working in these institutions would become deadened to their setting and experiences which would make their own accounts inaccurate and bias. Rosenhan also stated that some psychologist had check themselves into mental hospital and then reported on their experience, however these psychologist all had some association with the hospitals they were observing and were known to the staff to be a practicing psychologist or psychiatrists. Rosenhan wanted to find participants who had no previous affiliations with these facilities so he would be able to get a truly accurate depiction of what is was like to be a patient and how they were treated. The setting for all the participants were similar but varied in order to generalize the findings the twelve hospitals were located in five different states on the east and west coast. The

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