
Roy Hobbs: A Memorable Character In The Natural

Decent Essays

Only a few characters have the power to catch the reader's interest to the extent that they are unforgettable. In The Natural, Roy Hobbs proves to be a memorable character in many ways. He is a fictional baseball player. Hobbs was shot en route to a baseball tryout as a teenager and never made it to the majors until he was 34 years old. He joined the New York Knights and, after the death of the starter, Bump Baily, took over in the left outfield and led them to a playoff. Roy Hobbs's determination, honor and pride empower him to leap from the pages, remarkably and unforgettably. Determination can influence many people to strive for goals. Roy Hobbs was determined to the best player in baseball. When he was just nineteen years old and had not played baseball for an organized team, he wanted to "break every record in the book for throwing and hitting" (Malamud 30).He had no previous experience of playing baseball, except with his dad and in high school. When Roy was older and in the hospital, he was resolute on getting out and playing in the playoff game. The Doctor told him that "it …show more content…

Honor and pride was important to Roy Hobbs. Roy was proud of himself, before he became a professional player. As a country boy, Roy had a natural ability with a baseball and a great pitching arm. Roy had lots of difficulties in his life such as bumming around in, “slop joint, third-rate hotels, prize fight gyms and such” (Malamud 44) while he was working on his game. His pride in his natural abilities gave him the self-confidence to pursue his dream. He knew he would become a great professional player. He commented “ when I walk down the street I bet people will say there goes Roy Hobbs, the best there ever was in the game" (Malamud 31). He was proud of himself which helped him to strive for his

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