
Russell Brand Research Paper

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Ever wondered what it is like to go through years of rejection and drug abuse and not know what true reality is like? Russell Brand went through all of it: it started with his childhood and his school years to going through rehab than getting big. Russell has a hard time changing his ways but it’s often the thought of others that helps him make these changes; he wants to set a good example and hope people will also make good decisions. So Russell overcame his addictions to become a successful actor/ comedian.

In the beginning of Russell Brands childhood he went through many complications (The His parents split up when he was very young, his father walked out on Russell and his mother and hasn't been back. He lived with …show more content…

“Russell tried every drug in the book, from cannabis to crack cocaine. Heroin was the one that took over his life.” (The This all started at the beginning of his acting career. He looked for an escape from himself; he would call his drugs his cuddle. he would say they would make him feel better like cuddling with someone would (The If he didn’t have what he wanted, he would get overly stressed or angry. Russell became this way because he liked being distant and liked not being in reality, he knew how hard life was and doing drugs was his only way of getting away (The If he couldn’t get it he would lower his standards by asking random strangers or calling different drug dealers to support him. if they rejected them he would offer more money and other objects one would want (The Guardian). He only wanted heroin, reason he would say was that weed or coke weren't a good enough high for him. He kept getting worse. He was put in rehab hospitals.It was almost too much anymore. His friends and family prayed he would get better. (The …show more content…

Russell finally agreed to get help (CBS Los After realizing what he was doing to his family and friends and he was also scared if he didn't quit now he never would and he could either end up in jail or dead. At first he tried to fix himself by staying away from drugs as much as possible. When he found out that Amy Winehouse had died from drugs it made a great impact on Russell (CBS Los Amy was a great inspiration to Russell, he was also good friends with her and never wanted to see her this way. He regrets letting his addiction get so bad for he feels like there could have been some kind of way he could have saved or helped Amy (CBS Los He claims now that the drugs were never the problem, the problem was not knowing what reality was like. He feels that he could never love someone with this problem. He could only think of how could anyone love him (CBS Los He had been threatened that if he could not change he would be sent to prison for years at a time. He stopped doing drugs and drinking. He now calls people on an AA list to talk about when he feels the urge to do drugs and drink and they help him get better and keeps him from thinking about them (CBS Los Alot of times he would hope they wouldn't answer so he didn't have to think about how bad he had become. Russell started an organization called Freehab so the people who

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