
Russia History Essay

Decent Essays

Russia has a long and complex history, I will do my best to explain it in this paper. Russia was believed to be started in 862 when the viking Rurik discovered the nation. There then was many tribes there that was only united for Christianity in the 10th and 11th centuries. The first Russian dynasty was in modern day Novgorod. At first Russia was called Kievan Rus with a large center city called Kievan. Back in those times the country wanted to convert wanted to a Muslim-style religion until, one of the leaders showed them that they couldn’t drink under that religion. That is when they switched to christianity. Kievan Rus thrived over modern day Russia for almost three centuries, but in the thirteenth century Russia was invaded by …show more content…

Besides this he allowed many different cultures and religions into the nation. People believe this is why Russia is a multicultural multi-religious country. Under Ivan's rule his army crushed the Tartar stronghold of Kazan. Also Ivan left behind many landmarks the most popular being St. Basil’s Cathedral on Red Square. But Ivan also made mistakes like when he tried to invade the western land and it only cost Russia expense and materials. This went on to be a twenty-two year old war. Going on to the sixteenth century Russia started to rapidly expand to the East, Russia did this under Michael and Alexis rule because they felt they needed to expand still. They meet a less civilized group of people, but had them pay tribute for Russia to protect them. Yet in actually Russia tricked them out of there land. And then still demanded tribute.
After this Russia had another great Tsar(Peter the Great) improved Russia even farther. Peter showed no fear and was extremely physical with his attitude. Peter began his reign by taking over the port city of Azov which the Tartars rule. He decided he wanted to make a name for himself and that is why he wanted to take over the fortified city. At first the two armies he sent came back without any success. He gets extremely upset and makes another army right after. This time they came ships and Azov soon surrendered. Then Peter adapted all the technology and supplies that people actually used during that time. In the

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