
Russian Duels In A Hero Of Our Time And Eugene Onegin

Decent Essays

Narrative Russian writers seem to enjoy inserting a duel in their literature. There’s Pierre’s duel with Dolohov in Tolstoy’s War and Peace; there’s Onegin’s duel with Lensky in Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin; there’s Pechorin’s duel with Grushnitsky in Lermontov’s A Hero of Our Time, and Bazarov duel with Pavel in Turgenev’s Fathers and Sons. In this paper, however, making comparisons between the duels from A Hero of Our Time and Eugene Onegin will be the primary focus. When it comes to deciding if dueling was a noble form of conflict resolution, both writers seem to indirectly portray to the reader that duels are unimpressive and ineffective. Both writers emphasize on the challenges that could happen before, during, and after a Russian duel. If the writers wanted to portray to the readers that duels were honorable, then they would have not displayed the challenges that each character faced while they participated in the duel. A similarity between the two duels of A Hero of Our Time and Eugene Onegin is who ultimately ends up being killed. Both Lermontov and Onegin kill a character that was foolish, and who, perhaps, should not have died. In A Hero of Our Time, Grushnitsky foolishly challenges Pechorin after mistakenly assuming that Pechorin snuck into Princess Mary’s residence to see her when she was home alone. However, Pechorin had actually snuck into the residence to see Vera, but Grushnitsky, blinded by jealousy, does not realize the truth. During the duel, Pechorin gains

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