
Rwandan Genocide: The Role Of Conflict In World Politics

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Introduction In the previous paper, it was introduced that the Rwandan Genocide was more than just an internal conflict between the Tutsi and the Hutu. It was also a combination of ineffective foreign military intervention, failed human rights initiatives, and a lack of political will that sabotaged any chances for successful peace operations in Rwanda. Many people believed that the ultimate driver of the conflict were the assassinations of presidents Juvenal Habyarimana of Rwanda and Cyprien Nytaryamira of Burundi. However, many scholars argue that conflict in Rwanda developed because its political power remains in the hands of the elite who have no intentions to enforce secure property rights for its citizens, provide basic public services …show more content…

According to Genest, political culture points to dominant values, attitudes, and beliefs which affect the politics and behavior of an individual government. Rwanda’s political framework is embedded in its national character which reflects the dominant values and beliefs that are clearly misrepresentations of its citizens. Rwanda inherited weak links between state and society which resulted in coercion being a substitute for legitimacy. Despite, good intentions the Arusha Accords was doomed to fail from its transcription and the genocide was …show more content…

Concept 4: Political Environment will address some warning indicators that can be useful in conflict prevention, mitigation, and/or resolution. In Concept 4: Political Environment a countries political environment sets the stage for political action. The concept proposed guidelines for identifying the four types of regimes which ethno-political groups may come in conflict: institutionalized democracies, autocracies, and socialist and populist states. The indicators of institutionalized autocracies and populist are relevant in defining variables and constructing standardized indicators of those variables that can be used to make reliable observations of the number of groups and situations relating to the Rwandan

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