
SEX DIFFERENCES IN JEALOUSY: EVOLUTION, PHYSIOLOGY, AND PSYCHOLOGY (Buss et al, 1992, as cited in Funder & Ozer, 1997)

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SEX DIFFERENCES IN JEALOUSY: EVOLTION, PHYSIOLOGY, AND PSYCHOLOGY (Buss et al, 1992, as cited in Funder & Ozer, 1997) The article titled, "Sex differences in jealousy: evolution, physiology, and psychology" written by Buss, Larsen, Western and Semmelroth (1992, as cited in Funder & Ozer, 1997, p. 211), discuss that evolution is rooted in reproductive success of the various species. Therefore, the core content of studying evolutionary psychology includes researching sexual differences (Buss et al, 1992, as cited in Funder & Ozer, 1997, 211). There are benefits and costs or the adaptive problems to investing in offspring for both the males and females (Buss et al, 1992, as cited in Funder & Ozer, 1997, 211). The benefit is of course the …show more content…

The results included the following: Men displayed higher EDA during sexual imagery than emotional imagery, whereas, woman showed higher EDA during emotional imagery than sexual imagery (Buss et al, 1992, as cited in Funder & Ozer, 1997, 214). Men showed higher PR during both imagery but slightly higher for sexual infidelity, in comparison to women who showed slightly higher PR but no significant difference between the two imagery (Buss et al, 1992, as cited in Funder & Ozer, 1997, 214). The EMG results for similar to the above findings but not as strong (Buss et al, 1992, as cited in Funder & Ozer, 1997, 214). This study has a strong foundational hypothesis. However, there are various limitations including the small number of subjects in both studies, as Buss et al (1992, as cited in Funder & Ozer, 1997, 215) agrees that this study has only one age group and one culture. Also, Study 1 does not state the number of females and males of 202 subjects who were examined. I would suggest that this study should be replicated with an age group of men and women in their 30s and 40s, many of whom have experience relationship dilemmas in their lives. It is hard to imagine an emotion that the subject may not have experienced as would be the case with the undergraduate students. Further, the experiment should include viewing a photo of an ex-mate. Then they should be asked to imagine those

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