
Salem Witch Trail Research Paper

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The Salem Witch Trails are known worldwide. The trials are said to be “a series of hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft” (Wikipedia). Everyone has heard the stories about the women, men, and children accused, trialed, and killed over the rumors of witch craft. Did all these people really believe in powers given to them from the Devil? I believe, with the research I’ve conducted, that there was more than just the Devil and his powers involved; delusions, tall tales from slaves, the spiritual beliefs of the puritans, and the head strong women are a big part in why the people of Salem believed in witch craft four centuries ago. The witch trails was stated to have started in the 17th century in Salem Village, Massachusetts (Roach 11). In 1689 The French and Indian War was taking place, and small pox broke loose. The colonists were dying left and right due to the incurable infection in the blood stream, and the tribal attacks from the native Americans. The colonists were constantly looking over their shoulders in fear. They turned to God for help, but instead of gaining peace they soon got more terror which I believe started being one of the causes to the Salem Witch Trails. Due to the strong puritan faith many who believed in God also believed in the Devil. Many people thought that the devil would offer up a favor …show more content…

Ergot is commonly found in wheat, rye, and other cereals and is said by toxicologists that it can cause symptoms like delusions, vomiting, and muscle spasms (Roach 11). Since wheat and rye were a common food source back then and now I believe a long with others that these side effects could be demon possessions and visons of evil spirits and thoughts. This would be a good explanation as to why people were clamming they knew of people getting possessed by demons and were having visions of the

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