
Essay on Sara's Story: A Short Story

Decent Essays

I looked out the car window. Whatever might happen may it be moving to Texas. I used to live in California, but now we are moving to Texas to see if anything exciting would happen. We moved 16 times already, and I’m getting angry. We moved as old as I am. When I was born, we moved to Alabama. Then, when I was 2 we moved to Ohio. Then, when I was 3 we moved to Illinois. When I was 4, we moved to Michigan. When I was 5, we moved to Kentucky. When I was 6, we moved to Indiana. When I was 7, we moved to Washington. When I was 8, well, I don’t remember where we moved after I was 7. Oh, right! When I was 15 we moved to California.. I had only 7 friends! I thought Texas would be a change from all the cold. All we ever did was go to school. On the …show more content…

She didn’t even guess that it was going to be triplets. My baby sister is on the way. She’s expected in one week. Just one week after we move to Texas! Mom thinks her name is going to be Emma or Juliet. I think Eva is a good name for my little sister. “Ahh! Here we are! At home in Texas!” Dad exclaimed. “Sara, can’t you learn right from wrong?” asked Mom. Just in case you don’t know, I’m Sara Beth Henry. Don’t call me Sara Beth Henry. It bothers me! I have long dirty blonde hair, brown eyes, and a taste for My Little Pony, fashion, books, conversations, and typing on the family computer. Oh! And, call me Sara. Throughout this book you will find some extra sheets of paper with thick black lines on them. I climbed out of the Dodge grand caravan. Dad pulled out his phone. “2:22 p.m. Just at the right time!” He said. Michelle ran to the back of the car. Lilly stood by the door to the two story house. “We aren’t just renting the house, right?” I asked. My jeans with the patch ‘princess’ and ‘100% girl’ were falling off. I wore those jeans for seven days in a row, and mom didn’t do anything about it. She was having her baby soon and I said I couldn’t wait until it came. I thought about my new school we were goin to go to. I couldn’t help thinking about how bad it would be if I went the day after tomorrow. “Mom! May I please go to school the day before little sis comes?” I asked. Mom nodded. I said, “Yes!” so loud that our next door neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Greenberg and

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