
Satire In A Modest Proposal

Decent Essays

A Modest Proposal, an excellent example of a satirical essay written by Jonathan Swift in the seventeenth century. This essay presents an issue of the poor people (mostly females and children’s) begging every person on the streets of Ireland for an alms. To counter this issue, the author through the means of satire presents his own proposal in such a way that it would disgust and enrage the readers (specifically the merchants and landlords). He suggest that poor people might ease their problems by selling their fatten children for eight shillings, at the age of one, as a food to the rich landlords, who, as the author points out, “have already devoured most of the parents” anyway by achieving success at the expense of the lower class people. The author states that his proposal would solve the problem of overpopulation in the country, it would greatly lessen the number of papists, whom he addresses as their biggest enemies and it would also …show more content…

The author’s main purpose of presenting his proposal with gruesome ideas was to draw the attention of the wealthy people of Ireland, who are capable of bringing the change in the society, but have done nothing to help the situation. The author’s intent is to motivate these wealthy people to find a workable solution for these issues.
In this essay, the author addresses this issue of poor people and build on his proposal with the use of ethos, pathos, logos, and a strong and demanding voice. He establish his credibility in this essay by referring to his American friend in London and by possessing goodwill towards the people of Ireland and by convincing them that he

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