
Satire On Violence

Satisfactory Essays

Violence is clearly another bad product of rampant hatred. I can consider myself a sadistic pacifist. I don’t like to punch anyone, but I enjoy watching people who can’t control their rage, the ones that I usually criticize harshly, beating the shit out of the douchebags I hate. I know that’s probably one of the most hypocrite sentence you’ve ever heard, but don’t get me wrong, I still condemn violence. I really really condemn it… however if I had money I’d hire two personal bruisers to shut down some mouths (but I’d still condemn it, I swear). Anyway, watching the most famous cartoons, movies and video games, we can’t deny how funny the violence is for us, especially for kids. They laughs so hard when Wile. E. Coyote falls from cliffs or Tom

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