
Savageness In Lord Of The Flies

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Have you committed a savage act, are you savage? Even though you say you aren’t savage; savage you are. Everyone is born and remains savage until the day they die, it’s the way human beings were brought to earth, not knowing what’s right or wrong. Lord of the Flies- by William Golding is an allegory on a group of British schoolboys who get stuck on a deserted island when the plane they were traveling to get home crashes. While these schoolboys are stuck with no adults they try governing and keeping a civilized society, it doesn’t end like it was supposed to. William Golding proves through the novel Lord of the Flies that savagery is present in every human being; no matter in what circumstance you have been born in, people will always be born savage. People have created a civilized society, but savageness will always exist in human nature, it may not be publicly displayed, but it lies deep inside each individual, whether you like it or not. Like in the novel, the kids have always lived in a civilized way, now that they are alone they have been much more disorganized and out of control. Individuals; not only adults, but also kids. Kids may be looked like angelic figures with creative, bright minds, and a wonderful future to come; and of course you don’t ever imagine a savage kid, but as mentioned before, savageness lies deep inside each individual just like Jack in Lord of The Flies, here is an example taken from the novel, “Jack stood up… the bloodied knife in his

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