
Savagery In Lord Of The Flies Essay

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Comparing Ralph and Jack’s descent into savagery
In William Golding’s Lord of the Flies, Ralph and Jack’s power struggle is observed throughout the book. Ralph’s democratic leadership sharply contrasts Jack’s tyrannical and uncivilized rule. Ralph is stripped of everything and the line between him and Jack is blurred near the end because he gives in to savagery. Though all men will ultimately revert back to animalistic instinct and savagery in the absence of civilization, Ralph only succumbs to this when he loses his friends and when he is hunted; Jack succumbs all on his own.
Multiple passages and quotes in the book suggest that Jack gradually becomes a savage. When Golding writes,“he began to dance and his laughter became a bloodthirsty …show more content…

He is so successful that Ralph doesn’t dare blow the conch in fear that it might not mean anything to the others anymore. Jack continues to seemingly strip Ralph of power and support, but the kids ultimately side with Ralph when Jack tries to take over. Even when he completely separates from Ralph, he “lays the conch with great care at his feet” (Golding 127). Jack has now gone off completely on his own, taking matters into his own hands and making a faction of his own. He is becoming further unhinged by his own actions and slowly sliding off the edge and into savagery.
When Jack’s side obtains more members, they go hunting and kill a pig, brutally. Jack begins thinking that the act of hunting and killing animals is his entertainment now. Golding describes how Jack giggled and rubbed pig innards all over Maurice’s face, right after they killed the sow. Jack then orders the kids to mount the pigs head onto a stick, and says, “The head is for the beast. It’s a gift” (Golding 137). This is false idolization and similar to ancient tribes who sacrificed animals and other people to their gods, which is extremely uncivilized now. Jack is doing whatever he pleases, empowered by the mask and the children who follow him now, along with the lack of consequence for anything he does. He has completely descended into savagery almost all on his own, and will drag his tribe down with him. The

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