
Scar Tissue Character Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Jasmine Rinear
CHTH 205

In Scar Tissue, the lifestyle Anthony Kiedis has fits with the addiction cycle by constantly having a struggle to fit in or use drugs to get a stimulation of relief. He would have thoughts such as Hillel, Flea and himself would have to use before a show to feel as if they are playing to the best of their ability. The increased amount of drugs became to grow stronger as he got more famous and had more tours in the states as well as overseas. His relationship also was stated to be affected by the drug use because he felt as if when having a girlfriend it would increase his use and distance from the drug use. He was also preoccupied with using drugs in the type of environment he was in such as not playing in the band. Anthony also had access to these drugs, people would drop off drugs to his hotel. He was dependent on heroin and coke when he was with Claire was at his peak, she was also an addict and he began to distance himself from the band and got introduced to white china which he claims made him feel amazing. Anthony constantly battles from withdrawal, he commits himself into rehab after Hillel passes and that is when he had the toughest withdrawal battle because of the amount of pain he felt. Throughout the whole book, Anthony used his pain to constantly bring him back into the cycle.

From the beginning of the book Anthony went from Michigan with his mother to California with his dad. His father introduced him the early use of drug

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