
Scarlet Letter Symbolism

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Puritan Society was a strict society based upon Christianity and the determination to cleanse the Church of England and bring back Anglicanism. The puritans were strictly against sin and all things leading to it. Sinning led to severe punishment especially amongst among the most unprivileged people. They were not always as reasonable as today in their discipline. Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, published in 1850, shows this. After Hester Prynne, the leading protagonist, and her husband moved to the colonies from England, her husband left her for many years and didn’t return. During this time, she committed adultery. Although she was very beautiful to the people in Boston, she was only a helpless seamstress and she was arrested before being sentenced into lifelong punishment wearing the “Scarlet letter”, a capital A.
Along with the scarlet letter, alienation is one of the punishments given to Hester. She is forced to live in a small cottage outside of the town with her newborn, Pearl. Hester is determined not to lose her only happiness. When the governor tries to discuss the matter, Hester proclaims “I can teach my little Pearl what I’ve learned from this!” Hawthorne shows early on that Pearl is symbolic. She is the result of a complicated love. Hester is treated like a criminal by the townspeople and authorities, but the man that commits adultery with her as she does is not treated the way she is even after being revealed. Reverend Dimmesdale, the puritan

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