
Scarlet Letter Transcendentalism Essay

Decent Essays

Hester was once a transcendentalist, but has failed to transcend upon being shamed. She fails to transcend due to her conforming to the Puritan tradition, her lack of simplicity, and her lack of self-reliance, basic aspects of transcendentalism. Though she seems like a transcendentalist for similar reasons, such as the A being a symbol of her individualism or the fact that she lives alone in a cottage makes her self-reliant. But she wouldn’t be doing these things if she had choice. She would’ve loved to have been free of the letter A, and actually move into a house with Dimmesdale, but she didn’t have a choice. The choices she does make, however, prove that she fails to transcend. First, Hester is not a transcendentalist because of her conforming to Puritan tradition. Though you might think that the letter A, and the fact that she is living alone in the cottage, makes her transcend. But as seen in chapter 8, she starts looking like a puritan; cutting her hair and covering it up so that no one can see it. Plus she is only living in the cottage for a place to hide her shame from society. She would’ve been a transcendentalist if she had refused to put the A on, instead of conforming to the law. Henry Thoreau spent a night in a jail cell because he didn’t believe that the government had the right to use his taxes for …show more content…

Though you might call her self-reliant due to the fact that she is living alone, she is only living alone because of the reasons stated in the above paragraphs. She also is overly-affected by the shame left by the Puritans. Instead of transcending their judgment, she lets it affect her and makes her regress. Hester also lets the Puritan government decide what she is to society, instead of taking action for herself, she lets the community shame her for three hours, and then make her a symbol of guilt around the

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