
Scenarios In Happy Endings By Margaret Atwood

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In the short story “Happy Endings,” Margaret Atwood briefly describes six different scenarios about the relationships of her two main characters John and Mary. Regardless of the different circumstances, all of the stories end in the exact same way—the characters die. The primary argument that Atwood is trying to illustrate is that the ending of one’s life is not what is important, but rather all of the components of their life that lead them to the end. Atwood also criticizes the existing marriage and gender roles during this time. She supports her arguments through her satirical introduction, her metaphorical scenarios, and her use of sarcasm and ridicule. Through her introductory ‘A’ scenario, Atwood both develops the basis for the rest …show more content…

The only common denominator aside from repeating characters in each scenario is eventual death. Each story contains different beginning and middle events. In doing this, Atwood emphasizing the idea that the plot is what makes the story interesting. She further expresses this by explaining “…beginnings are always more fun. True connoisseurs… are known to favor the stretch in-betweens, since it’s the hardest to do anything with.” Through her claims, Atwood is trying to argue that life itself should always be the focal point of a short story and no one should dwell on the ending of the story. She says this because “…the only authentic ending is the one provided here: John and Mary die. John and Mary die. John and Mary die.” In addition, in continually saying that “if you want a happy ending, try A,” Atwood is emphasizes that there is no such things as a happy ending, since scenario A is unrealistic and impossible. Ultimately through this short story, Atwood effectively emphasizes the idea that despite any joyful or unpleasant occurrences in life, we all end in death. It is safe to say that if all lives end in the same way, it can be neither happy nor sad. It is merely just an ending. The true happiness to an ending is how one leads up to their death. She finally expresses “you’ll have to face it, the endings are the same however you slice

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