
Schizophrenia In A Beautiful Mind

Decent Essays

Schizophrenia is defined as “a long-term mental disorder... involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behavior, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships…” A Beautiful Mind outstandingly portrays and exemplifies what it means to live with schizophrenia. The movie is based on the true events and edurances of genius mathematician, John Nash. Nash suffers from the life-altering psychological disorder, and the film illustrates the symptoms and obstacles attached. Schizophrenia can riddle a sufferer’s life with many disturbances such as vivid hallucinations and delusions, social withdrawal, and extreme focus and planning, as demonstrated in A Beautiful Mind. One of the most recognizable …show more content…

Schizophrenics often have the capability to focus on something and see things that others may not. The advanced intelligence commonly tied to schizophrenia is purely correlation, however, in many cases similar to John Nash, brilliance plays a key role in their lives. Such things that stick out to schizophrenics with this ability are patterns and codes. The real John Nash was able to put his extreme focus to use by spend years upon years observing and studying game theory and economics which led to the Nash Equilibrium Theory. This breakthrough of Nash’s changed economics and shook the core of game theory, not to mention creating a scientific path that is widely used to this day. This is pretty accurate to his film depiction. In the movie, however, Nash was also heavily involved with the government and the Pentagon-- some of which was a part of his delusions. Nash often would read a newspaper or letter and decipher codes using patterns in the letters. This skill was developed due to Nash’s undying focus that allowed his to study and change the course of modern

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