
School Ethical Dilemmas

Decent Essays

There are many ethical dilemmas within schools in the United States that require constant attention in the hopes that someday, they may be eliminated in the best interest of the students. One of the most prominent dilemmas schools in society face is that of proper disciplinary action and student conduct codes. Finding a fair punishment for certain prohibited conduct within schools is difficult because what is far to some, may not be fair to others. These discrepancies can be based on, but are not limited to: cultural background, ethnicity, gender, sex and religion. Many progressive age school districts are beginning to adopt strict disciplinary policies to hold their students accountable and prevent various behaviors that are not acceptable within our modern society. The most profound of these conduct codes are districts that employ “Zero Tolerance” policies. School systems with these strict rules are in the heat of a debate regarding which disciplinary actions are beneficial to students and which are actually harmful. There is a fine line when it comes to disciplinary enforcement. An overreaction and an unnecessary punishment may set students up for failure, recidivism, and even has the power to ruin their lives. Conversely, a restorative approach to discipline that allows for learning the difference between right and wrong through a customized program for each individual will be the most beneficial to students around the world. An intriguing example of the ethical

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