
School Setting An Open Door Policy Essay

Decent Essays

If a parent desires for their child or children to be taught in a small class setting with a particular group of students, this practice can take place in either a public or private setting. Many parents also believe that behavior infractions and incidents of conflict are fewer in the private school setting. Conflicts are subjects to arise in any setting any particular time. Parents also believe that more personable relationship will be able to be formed with the school administration in a private school setting. Parents feel a sense of comfort in the small infrastructure and school security level. Similarly, in the public school setting an open door policy is extended. Parents are invited and welcomed to visit and volunteer. Nonetheless, school administers enforce safety and security policies to protect the welfare of all individuals; just as they do in the private school setting.
As a result of these beliefs, heavy debates happen in America deliberating which form of schooling is superior to the other. The various horizons of expectations differ, of course, not only in their being more or less conscious, but also in their content (Mezirow, 1991). It is inevitable that these debates include differing opinions and values.
Public schools suffer from a divergence between public perception and measurable reality. A few unfortunate experiences potentially create negative and damaging reputations. Once the bad news stirs, people deliver opinions, and the public school reputation

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