
Second Hand Smoke Persuasive Speech

Decent Essays

There are some important things that I would like to bring to your attention after doing some extensive research. According to, did you know that out of the entire population, 20.9% of them smoke? Out of that 20.9%, 15.5% die of smoke related diseases! Not to mention the people affected by second hand smoke. According to, more than 41,000 Americans die from secondhand smoke exposure every year. According to the class survey, none of you smoke, which is a good thing! But most of you know someone that does smoke, and most of you said that the people that smoke are closely related to you such as your parents, grandparents or friends. Let me tell you how I relate to this topic.. My brother had sleep apnea and was eventually killed by it. He passed away in his sleep after his lungs collapsed. You might be thinking, how does this relate to smoking? Well he …show more content…

Savanna herself said that if she had the choice to just drop cigarettes right now, she would. Savanna agrees that it is terrible for your health and she even brought up second hand smoke without me saying anything. Her words were, “Smoking is not the only thing that is dangerous about smoking, second hand smoke can be just as bad and it is not only bad but it is also an annoyance to the people breathing it all in.” It is in your best interest to not start smoking, or if you have already started, then to stop. I am sure that you all have seen lungs that have been affected by smoke before. Whether it be in a medical course or a school presentation or something. In the event that you haven’t, here is a good visual representation. The first lung is one that has not been affected by smoke. The second one is from a smoker and the third one is from someone who has been around second hand smoke for most of their

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