
Segregation In Public Schools

Decent Essays

Its sad to see that United States’s public schools are so segregated years after the civil rights act of 1964. Race and income are huge factors that aid in segregation of schools across America. More recently another factor has joined the others which would be wealthier families, preferably send their children to private schools rather than let them go to school with the children in their area. This gives children who aren’t as well off less hope that they desperately need. Income and Race keeping children separate needs to stop for all children to have the same opportunities. Race is one of the biggest factors in the segregation of schools in America. White students commonly go to school with other whites while blacks and Latinos are usually grouped together in lower class areas. As reported by Urban Institution, “In fact, the Civil Rights Project has shown that black students are just as segregated today as they were in the late 1960s, when serious enforcement of desegregation plans first began …show more content…

Children who are in inner-city school districts get stuck in inferior schools with less than desirable educational opportunities without things like sports and after school activities. Urban Institute stated that, “As of 2011 48 percent of all public school students were poor* and this year, students of color will account for the majority of public school students for the first time in US history”( These children are growing up in poor neighborhoods and then most likely going to poor public schools which isn’t helping them escape the cycle. Neighborhoods that are integrated with children of all colors going to their local school could mean more tax dollars which would result in a better chance of equal opportunities. Schools need to be integrated but more importantly neighborhoods being integrated could be huge for turning this segregation issue

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