
Self-Defense Of The Black Panthers

Satisfactory Essays

The Black Panther Party for Self-Defense was founded by Bobby Seale and Huey Newton. The Black panther party want change, they would no longer stand by an watch black people being whipped with billy clubs, and have a nonviolent stance. The Oakland branch of the Black Panther Party would follow up on radio calls on hand held radio sets concerning police actives in the area. They would ensure Black people were not going suffer any long from police brutality, and would show up at police stops with rifles and shoots guns. It would intimidate the police from causing any harm from those black people they had detained, while in the presence of The Black Panthers.The F.B.I.'s "COINTELPRO" directed by J.Edger Hoover "purpose was to expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit or otherwise neutralize"cite(1) the Black Panthers. …show more content…


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