
Self Disclosure And Its Parts

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Self-disclosure in Relationships and its Parts And How to Improve Disclosure Jeanpaul karout University of Nevada Las Vegas Self-disclosure in Relationships and its Parts And How to Improve Disclosure Every romantic relationship starts when two strangers meet and learn more about each other until they become a couple that is interdependent on one another. For this to occur, all relationships have to go through ongoing process of self-disclosure. Self-disclosure has large influence on liking and attraction by other. Therefore, in this paper I will define self-disclosure, its components and what is self-disclosure between partners. I will discuses when disclosure is beneficial, how it is linked to intimacy, and when self-disclosure may be detrimental to a relationship. In Section two, I will find three influencing factors that have a large influence on how we choose to disclose. First factor is attachment style and how it dictates our approach to self-disclose. Second, factor is valence of disclosure with our partners and how important it is. Third factor is, the timing of self-disclose and how timing is everything when we share messages with others. In the final section, I will discuss how we can improve the valence of self-disclosure to have better understanding of what and how we are disclosing and how other may perceive our messages. Section I Finding a universal definition of self-disclosure is difficult due to that many scalars define differently.

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