
Self Efficacy Is The Confident Feeling About Yourself

Decent Essays

Self-efficacy is the confident feeling about yourself, or the unshakable belief that one can hold. It reminds me of a statement made by Prof.Lee Peng Yee who teaches mathematics at the National University of Singapore: "If you believe you can catch a bus, you will run for it". Even if the statement is extremely inspirational and helpful, it only works for the people who actually have an understanding about themselves to a certain degree and ready to make the difference.
Success come to the one who never give up. In the quote, the bus represents the goal, the achievement that you want to earn. As a matter of fact, the bus always pulls over at the bus stop to pick up passengers and it only waits for a short period of time to let passenger on. And if you missed it, it’s gone. The example sound familiar with the word "opportunity", doesn’t it? Opportunity is something that comes and goes quite often in our life, but only a few can acknowledge that and therefore, catches their “bus” on time. And if you can make the best out of your opportunity, it can even be the key to lead you to a new chapter of your life – a better, brighter one. The only downside is that you can 't make it up for any missed opportunity. Therefore, you have only but two choice: run for it or just let it go?
If you choose run for it, you already are half way on the road to success. It proves that you have high self-efficacy and high expectation of yourself. You know who you are, you never give up easily and

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