
Selfish Desires In Everyman And The Bacchae By Euripides

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The two plays Everyman by an Anonymous play write and The Bacchae by Euripides both have main characters that have selfish desires that involve the public joining them in their own journey to fulfill their own greed. In The Bacchae Dionysus is the protagonist, a selfish demigod who wishes to enact his revenge for the slandering of his and his Mother’s name. In Everyman the play revolves around a character named Everyman, who represents the everyday men and women, and his or her selfish wish for someone to follow him or her to speak in front of God. These characters selfish desires are the focus of their plays and at the end of their respective plays truly define their character for either better or for worse. Dionysus, while being a selfish demigod throughout his play, is characterized solely this way because he was denied his birth title and this lead his mother to being ridiculed and laughed at for truths that people claimed were lies. His main goal was to “refute that slander spoken by [his] mother’s sister” which expresses he wanted to clear the name his mother’s name that was misguided (line 32). Being a demigod who has used his power to make the women of Thebes “crazed of mind” as well as being “compelled to wear [his] orgies livery” which shows how he abuses his power (Euripides 41-42). While his goal was positive for his character his actions were villainous and destroyed the Kingdom of Thebes solely because he wanted revenge for his mother and the lies that were

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