
Selflessness In The Workplace

Decent Essays

To answer this next question, I will fill it out under an acronym that I have created for the purpose of this application. The acronym contains the following: S upport C ommunity A ltruism R eliability The first word is support. This word can go behind two separate meanings. One represents the amount of selflessness I possess when it comes to solving people's problems, but it also represents the dedication I have kept in this server and supporting for years to come, above any other life event that has occurred in my short life. Both these meanings reign in significant value as not only does this make a worthwhile helper, it simply means that you are a human being with real goals, strides, obstacles and hardships. Even if this staff application is denied through your eyes of better judgement than myself, I will still continue to support this server in any way I can, not just donating. …show more content…

The community as a whole is something which may seem silly to the average person's eye, however, through the lens of someone such as myself, it's a story. It's a story of generations of players over the continuous land that is Jerry and Harry, and friends that have been lost, that are in pain, that are simply too bubbly and goofy to be realistic, and most importantly, the story of a triumphant sixteen-year-old guy that knows that this is not his community, it's Jerry and Harry's community, more than that, it's like a family to me. Truly the only family I've come to notice after the major life events that have occurred over these three years. There are numerous amounts of people that I met through playing on this server, and that's something you can never take away from

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