
Semester Project : The Great And His Predetermined Destiny

Best Essays

Renée Brochier
Professor Burwick
24 April 2015
Semester Project Final Step

Step One:
My semester project topic is about Cyrus the Great and his predetermined destiny, his founding of his empire, how he was given the name the Great, and his use of power to establish basic human rights.

Step Two:
Cizek, Alexandru. "From the historical truth to the literary convention: the life of Cyrus the great viewed by Herodotus, Ctesias and Xenophon." L 'Antiquité classique (1975): 531-552.

“Cyrus the Great: Asiatic Supremacy.” Beacon Lights of History 4 (2006): n. pag. Web. 26 Feb. 2015

Herodotus, and Herman M. Johnson. Herodoti Orientalia Antiquiora: Comprising Mainly Such Portions of Herodotus as Give a Connected History of the East, …show more content…

Web. 26 Feb. 2015.

Wright, Edmund. A Dictionary of World History. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2006. Print.

Xenophon, and Walter Miller. Xenophon Cyropaedia. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1914. Print.

Step Three:

Herodotus, and Herman M. Johnson. Herodoti Orientalia Antiquiora: Comprising Mainly Such Portions of Herodotus as Give a Connected History of the East, to the Fall of Babylon and the Death of Cyrus the Great. New York: D. Appleton, 1854. Print.

I chose this source because Herodotus, the ancient Greek historian, wrote it, which can make this source especially a reliable source. The book explains the death of Cyrus the Great and his treatment of Astyages while he had overthrown his grandfather. Contrary to popular belief, Cyrus treated his grandfather with honor, which gave him the name “the great”. This is extremely consistent with how Cyrus the Great acted as a person and a leader in ancient times, especially because he was one of the first major leaders to enforce basic human rights.

Xenophon, and Walter Miller. Xenophon Cyropaedia. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1914. Print.

Xenophon who was a Greek historian and student of Socrates wrote this source. This is another primary and reliable source. This source talks about the boyhood of Cyrus, and also talks about his later reorganization of his army to take on Astyages and his army. The book shows how Cyrus acted towards his men, and his fellow civilians, and how effective of a

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