
Separate And Unequal Summary

Good Essays

The video that I chose to analysis was on Separate and Unequal. The 27-minute long video was about separating the lower and middle-income families in Baton Rouge and creating a new city to be called St. George. The goal is for middle class families have their own public school system because those that are financially more stable like Norman Browning the Chair City of St. George Incorporation Effort believe that busing kids from lower income class into schools like Woodlawn High is the problem. They feel like the education isn’t the same because of those students from lower income families bring aren’t at the same level and/or bring problems like fighting and gangs in there middle class White kids. Of course, those kids that are being bussed …show more content…

In the video I saw how those that live in poverty have schools with little resources and that is why many students are being bussed out to other schools in different areas where the education and resources will be a lot better. The reason for that is so that those student have a better chance at learning and even going to college so that they can be in a better position than there parents. If a student that is poor goes to a poor school will get little to no education which will eventually end up working after high school because they will fell like they don’t belong in college. This will turn out to a job that pays little wages, which will end up living once again in poor areas. This is the cycle of poverty, which is their children’s children and children’s children will live in poverty too. Not allowing the students that live in lower class to be bussed to other schools that have better resources will really hurt those that will benefit from them. Those that are poor don’t have options like getting tutoring because they can’t afford them but those that are in middle class have the funds to help their children with any extra help that they might need outside of school. This is why it will hurt those students and in turn become the culture of …show more content…

The achievement gap is a series of test that students have to take, which score how smart or dumb they are. Of course it is also separated by race to see who is doing better. The test for academic performance is unfair all around because not all students receive the same education or the same help in or out of school. Those that are White students usually perform a lot better than those that are from minority homes and again higher and lower income students will be different in score and in education. These test that they are obligated to take is more of a student-to-student competition between each other. That it self isn’t healthy or fair because those that perform better separate themselves from those that don’t perform as good. So that also creates segregation in schools. Students with higher score want to only be around those that perform the same and those that don’t do well also will feel left out and dumb but can hurt their self-esteem. The achievement gap is another term for segregation. Now the hidden curriculum is things that students are being taught in school that shouldn’t and that could affect their learning in class and in school in general. Most of the time the material that is taught by teachers are visual and/or implied lessons that have nothing to do with the material at the moment. Unfortunately those students that

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