
Separation of Church and State Essay examples

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Separation of Church and State

America is constantly evolving and redefining itself. We have come to the point where we are less inclined to criticize individuals that are different from us and more inclined to embrace eachother’s eccentricities. Those who oppose a separation between church and state claim that because this country was founded on religious principles, our government should continue to base its laws on Christianity. An article entitled, “Standing up for Church-State Separation in Difficult Times,” states that, “Religious Right groups are crowing and insisting that they have some sort of mandated to make their repressive agenda the law of the land,” however, we no longer live in the 1700’s (13). Times are …show more content…

Our founding fathers lived in much different times. It is amazing that most of America’s constitution has remained valid and useful. However, adaptations have been made to the constitution. If we were to imagine and apply to today the ideas of our founding fathers, women’s rights, immigration, racism, and slavery would continue to be ignored. If we were to focus on only on Christian beliefs and ideals, we strip away other religious individuals’ First Amendment rights. “What government funds it winds up controlling,” states J. Brent Walker, executive director of the Baptist Joint Committee (Faith Groups 6). Our American society must adapt to its ever-changing environment in order to accommodate the variety of people living within its boundaries.

In our educational system, the struggle between church and state is also present. Teaching religion in the public school system is wrong and biased. It would be impossible to incorporate the religious beliefs of all students into one curriculum and segregating students into religiously based curriculum groups would be unjust and discriminatory. Furthermore, the public schools are teaching our children to be accepting of all belief systems, not just Christian teachings:

“What the federal courts have done since World War II is to recognize that Jefferson's principle

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