
Serenoa Repens Research Paper

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Natural products used to treat many diseases for a long time. Natural products derived from many sources such as fungus like Piptoporus betulinus, which is used as an antiseptic and disinfectant and plants like Alhagi maurorum, which is used to treat anorexia, constipation, dermatosis, epistaxis, fever, leprosy, and obesity. (1) In this research, we will focus on one natural product derived from a plant called Serenoa repens. Serenoa repens also called Saw palmetto, is a plant grows up to 1m in width and 3m in height. Each part of it has different uses, for example, its leaves are used to make thatching, baskets, fans, brushes, brooms, rope, fire kindling, fish traps and dolls and its berries are used as food and as medicine. There are many

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