
Serial Killer Mindset

Decent Essays

Hannah Palmer
English 5-6
2 February 2015
The Lifestyle and Mindset of a Serial Killer “I didn’t want to hurt them, I only wanted to kill them,”, said David Berkowitz, the son of Sam. David is one of the many American serial killers that have left our civilization with a destructive impact. The creation of a serial killer goes all the way back to their childhood, which leads them to have a ritual. There are eight different types of desolating motives a serial killer can have, all of which have a devastating effect on our society. Some motives a serial killer can have include, hedonistic motives, mission-oriented, or they are killing purely out of lust. The formation of a serial killer starts young. They usually grow to become …show more content…

whether it is posing the victim a certain way, leaving them in a certain place, or torturing and mutilating them in a recurring way. These are all signatures that some killers leave behind for their own benefit or to make a statement. This is an intentional, one of a kind, way of doing things. It gives them emotional satisfaction. Although is is disturbing, rituals and signatures give investigators a bigger clue as to the killers personality and fantasies. It helps police determine what the killer had to do to commit the crime. Society finds this undeniable because it is not necessary to perpetuate the crime. An example of a serial killer with a signature would be Charles Albright. Charles killed three prostitutes, and with every murder he would carefully remove their eyes. This helped the police realize who the killer was and give justice to the victims families. These are mostly seen in movies, but when it does occur, it benefits the killer only so that they can learn from their mistakes over time. This is, of course, if they don’t get caught right away. Signatures are extremely rare, and sometimes fetishes are mistaken as a signature or …show more content…

An eye for an eye, or a life for a life, is what our society has set their standards to. Some say the definition of the death penalty is the same as the definition of punishment. Both are to inflict suffering and to justify the wrong doings. A serial killer will keep killing until, one of the following four things occur; they are caught, they die, they kill themselves, or they burn out. Who would want to stop the death penalty if it deters from such horrific crimes? Once a serial killer, always a serial killer. A poll states that the majority would rather have the murderer killed then put in prison to soon be released and kill again. sixty three percent were for the death penalty, seven percent were unsure, and thirty percent were against. the thirty percent say that if we killed them, we would be just as bad as the criminals themselves. Two wrongs don’t make a right. There is also the argument that we might accidentally execute an innocent. Executing is a morally defusable punishment. Although some believe the death penalty s ethical, others believe it goes against all moral laws of being human. In all, there were a total of 840 executed serial killers last year. The death penalty and prison are only two of the three things that happen to caught serial killers. The third, and least common, is to plead insane. Some killers plead not guilty by insanity, meaning he or

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