
Sex Labour In Australia Research Paper

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This paper discusses the influence of law on sex workers in Australia. In Australia, the direction of prostitution has taken an altogether different course from numerous other countries. Law reform has prompted the opening of new spaces for legitimate sex work, including the (altogether different) administrative regimes set up in two Australian states — Queensland (brothels are legal if the owner is authorized) and New South Wales (most commercial sex organizations and some street prostitution decriminalized; no permitting authorization). The primary research question is: how has regulation affected the positive privileges of sex laborers? This paper contends that “law reform has engaged a mix of neo-liberal and other approaches — not to increase personal or corporate freedom but as part of a …show more content…

Neo-liberal direction of prostitution in Australia has dependably been conveyed pair with different methods of regulation — including new criminal law and policing procedures, organizing law, and moral …show more content…

The article discusses the relative safety that a brothel provides a sex worker as well as other positive rights, however it also discusses the issues that arise for sex workers such as labour policy and wages. This article also discusses street based sex workers and how they are usually more likely to be addicted to drugs, and more vulnerable to experience violence (Sullivan, 2010). Lastly, this article discusses private sex workers who make up the majority of sex workers in Australia (Sullivan, 2010). For a private sex worker, it “is illegal [ . . . ] to work with another sex worker or to employ a receptionist; they may employ a licensed security guard and (since 2009) can maximize their safety by making phone contact with another person before and after a job” (Sullivan, 2010, p.

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