
Sexual Assaults On Campus Campuses

Decent Essays

Most college campuses have no reports of sexual assaults on campus. This statistic is very inaccurate. The current statistics are that 9% of campuses report that rapes have happened on campus and the other 91% state that there has never been a rape on or around campus.Those estimated numbers seem hard to believe. Especially with cases such as the victim of the Stanford Rapist Brock Turner .
After a year of practically living in hell. Turner’s victim had to face him in court on trial. Turner and his defendant team tried to minimize the seriousness of the situation by stating that the accused and the victim were under the influence of alcohol. Turner alleged could not be responsibility for his actions because of the accused state of confusion to whether it was content or not. A year after his original testimony Turner went on to say that it was indeed consensual and that the victim enjoyed it.
The victim asked to give a statement directionally to her accuser. In this statement she described the events that lead up to the assault. The victim’s sister was home from school for the weekend and they were having dinner with their parents. The sister had plans to attend a frat party with her friends, however , the woman originally was going to stay home and watch tv. The plans changed when she had decided to go along seeing her sister was home and she wanted to enjoy time with her. On the way to the party the victim made jokes about being the oldest person at the party, once she

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