
Sexual Education Vs Comprehensive Sex Education

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Sex education in the United States has many different opinions on the most effective ways of teaching. Social trends, public health concerns, politics and various controversies have all, at different times and in different ways, affected the substance and teaching of sex education (Future of Sex Education). 15 percent of Americans believe abstinence-only sex education should teach only about abstinence and nothing else, however 46 percent believe abstinence and ways to prevent unwanted pregnancies STD’s should also be taught (Future of Sex Education). Abstinence-only sex education programs are ineffective compared to comprehensive sex education programs and are very costly within the government.
In the United States, there is a large debate …show more content…

It also teaches interpersonal and communication skills and helps young people explore their own values, goals, and options (Advocates for Youth, 2001). This method shows various ways to prevent unplanned pregnancies and ways to avoid STD’s unlike the abstinence-only education programs. Abstinence-only method finds faults within the contraceptives, which then pushes those faults into the children. This approach instills fear into children so they see all of the bad that comes with sex before marriage. Now comprehensive sex education provides values-based education and offers students the opportunity to explore and define their individual values as well as the values of their families and communities, and includes a wide variety of sexuality related topics, such as human development, relationships, interpersonal skills, sexual expression, sexual health, and society and culture (Advocates for Youth, 2001). In addition, it includes accurate, factual information on abortion, masturbation, and sexual orientation, provides positive messages about sexuality and sexual expression, including the benefits of abstinence and teaches that proper use of latex condoms, along with water-based lubricants, can greatly reduce, but not eliminate, the …show more content…

As stated earlier in the text, those who participated in abstinence-only sex education programs had very similar results to those who did not participate in the abstinence-only programs. The federal government spends billions of dollars on abstinence-only programs, only to find out these programs are not working, but they continue to spend money funding these programs. President Barack Obama diverted funds from the abstinence-only programs, to provide medically-accurate and age-appropriate information to youth who have already become sexually active. This is hopes of reducing the amount of pregnancies and STD’s. As society continues to change and grow, one will be able to see what programs are working or if a whole new plan is

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